Dr. D. L. “Roy” Stults was the Online Workshop Coordinator for Voice of the Martyrs, USA and adjunct professor of Religion and Philosophy at Oklahoma Wesleyan University (where he served as full professor from 2003–2008). He is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene and has served as a pastor, missionary, and hospital chaplain.
He served as a professor and lecturer of theology and missiology in South Korea, the Philippines, Germany and the United States. His short term assignments included teaching in England, Taiwan, and Albania. He has an MA in theology from Olivet Nazarene University, a Master of Divinity degree from Nazarene Theological Seminary, a doctorate in missiology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA) and a doctor of philosophy degree in theology from the University of Manchester (England).
Dr. Stults interests include theology of mission, theology of persecution and suffering, curriculum development of persecution studies, religious rights, and the relationship between Christianity and culture.
He has published two books: Developing an Asian Evangelical Theology (1989), and ‘Grasping Truth and Reality: Lesslie Newbigin’s Theology of Mission to the Western’ (2008). He was also an educational missionary and taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels for two decades in South Korea, the Philippines, and in Germany.
While teaching at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Dr. Stults was introduced to persecution studies by the late Glenn Penner, who was serving as a visiting professor at that time. Dr. Stults served as the Academic Director of the Persecuted Church Studies Program at OWU in the 2005-2006 academic year. Penner’s passion for persecution studies and religious rights resonated with Dr. Stults, and God providentially led him to work for a ministry dedicated to serving the persecuted church.