The IIRF shares several calls for papers and upcoming religious freedom conferences
ISFORB Conference • Fjellhaug Symposium • Symposium on religious freedom: normative basis – actual state – resulting challenges • Kongress Christenverfolgung heute
ISFORB Conference • Fjellhaug Symposium • Symposium on religious freedom: normative basis – actual state – resulting challenges • Kongress Christenverfolgung heute
Interviews with Dr. Ronald Boyd-MacMillan, Director of Global Strategy and Research for Global Christian Relief. RBM is one of the world’s experts at reading the
Interviews with Dr. Ronald Boyd-MacMillan, Director of Global Strategy and Research for Global Christian Relief. RBM is one of the world’s experts at reading the
Interviews with Dr. Ronald Boyd-MacMillan, Director of Global Strategy and Research for Global Christian Relief. RBM is one of the world’s experts at reading the
In the context of the collaboration between the IIRF and the School of International Relations of the ULACIT, students developed an analysis of the relationship between religious freedom and development.
In the context of the collaboration between the IIRF and the School of International Relations of the ULACIT, students developed an analysis of the relationship between religious freedom and development.
Bishop Thomas Paul Schirrmacher meets Rabbi Abraham Cooper in Berlin
Panel discussion in Brauweiler Abbey on anti-Semitism to mark the anniversary of the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945
Schirrmacher speaks in the German Bundestag at the hearing on the situation of freedom of religion or belief
The ORFA, a partner organization of the IIRF, submitted a report for the UN Universal Periodic Review on Nigeria and is included in the document.