International Institute for Religious Freedom

Dr. Alex Gregory Ojacor

Rev. Dr. Alex Gregory Ojacor

Rev. Dr. Alex Gregory Ojacor is a Roman Catholic Priest committed and dedicated to preaching the Word of God, administering sacraments, facilitating retreats, recollections, seminars and workshops all around the world. He holds a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies, and two Doctorates.

Rev. Ojacor is the Founder and President of The Children’s Educational Foundation, Uganda and CORE Uganda Not-for-Profit Charitable Organizations based in Chicago, USA and Uganda. He has over 10 years’ experience as a University lecturer in Kenya, Uganda and the United States of America in areas of religion, philosophy, sociology, psychology, theology, Research Methods and culture. He is currently Associate Pastor of St. Leonard Parish, Berwyn, Illinois, USA.

Possessing a wealth of experience in ministry, teaching, leadership, counseling, pastoral care and administration, Rev. Ojacor has the ability to work in a multi-cultural and multi-faith organization devoted to developing awareness of the theological and psycho-social concern of persons in crisis. Fluent in English, Spanish, Ateso, Kiswahili and Karimojong, he has an outgoing personality, outstanding leadership and people-skills; a team player with a passion for music and sports.