International Institute for Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom in Latin America: Context, Threats and Challenges

The International Institute for Religious Freedom held a webinar on “Religious Freedom in Latin America: Context, Threats and Challenges”.

This event was held in collaboration with strategic organizations allied to the IIRF in the region, such as the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America (OLIRE) and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), through its Working Group on Religion and Society, as a joint effort to give greater visibility to the challenges facing religious freedom in Latin America.


  • Dr. Mariana Molina (Instituto Mora/UAM/OC) – General context of religious freedom in Latin America
  • Fr. Omar Sotelo (Centro Católico Multimedial – CCM) – Organized crime and religious freedom
  • Felipe Gómez (Mayan spiritual leader) – Religious freedom of Indigenous communities
  • Teo A. Babun (Outreach Aid to the Americas) – Authoritarian regimes and religious freedom.

This event was conducted entirely in Spanish. An automatically generated English transcript is available.