International Institute for Religious Freedom

The latest issue of the International Journal for Religious Freedom sheds light on the sometimes excruciating ways in which religious freedom violations impact the lives of children and youth, along with inspiring examples of resilient young people making a positive difference.

Two articles come from Pakistan, where young Christian women face the threat of abduction and forced marriage to Muslim men. Along with agonizing the stories of the women’s experiences and their struggles to achieve justice, the articles highlight the effective work of two indigenous organizations and of Open Doors on victims’ behalf.

Other articles focus on the innovative interfaith work of an Indonesian young women’s organization; instances of the expulsion of students from Canadian schools due to their religious beliefs; the experiences of young religious converts in India when family members oppose their conversion; the rights of “nones,” or people who identify with no religion; the value of religious education in enabling youth to improve their societies; the conflict of rights that can arise between transgender people and religious communities; and the history of religious freedom in the nation of Georgia.

You can find the last issue here.