International Institute for Religious Freedom

IJRF: ‘Ideology, theology and practicality’

Latest volume of the International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF) published

The International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) is pleased to introduce the latest edition of the International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), titled “Ideology, Theology, and Practicality”.

This issue presents a compelling collection of articles and reflections that delve into various facets of religious freedom incontemporary society.

Prof. Dr. Janet Epp Buckingham, the Executive Editor of the journal:

“This issue has some unusual content, such as a poem and a reflection from a Muslim from Bangladesh on the value of interfaith dialogue. We are also pleased to have an opinion article from Willy Fautré. As well, we have articles on apologetics, theology and politics relating to persecution. It is a rich collection.”

Journal contributors offer diverse perspectives on pressing issues surrounding religious freedom. From insightful analyses of religious landscapes in challenging contexts, such as China, North Korea, and India, to thought-provoking theological explorations and practical initiatives supporting persecuted communities, each article contributes valuable insights to the discourse on freedom of religion or belief.

This issue features a blend of academic analysis, personal reflections, and practical considerations. From the examination of state corporatism in China to the proposal of new apologetic approaches for minority Christian communities in India, the contributions provide nuanced perspectives on complex socio-political dynamics.

The contributors shed light on the practical dimensions of religious freedom, addressing topics such as discriminatory taxation, COVID-19 vaccine policies, and initiatives supporting persecuted Christians. These discussions underscore the intersections between religious freedom, broader societal issues and the importance of practical interventions in safe guarding religious liberties.

This issue show cases the challenges faced by non-Christian religions within regulatory frameworks primarily designed for Christianity and highlights the ongoing struggles for recognition and equality in diverse cultural and legal contexts.

Dr. Werner Nel shares his thoughts about the issue:

“Religious freedom, in all its variations, is a precious asset for everyone, whether secular or sectarian. While these deeply personal worldviews may differ existentially, they should not be relegated to the private realm. Instead, principled public discourse should inclusively embrace all deeply held views and expressions, even those that may seem opposing, provocative, irrational, orlack empirical evidence. In this pursuit, the International Journal for Religious Freedom plays a crucial role in advancing religious pluralism and fostering respectful coexistence among believers.”

As always, this issue features engaging book reviews and the Noteworthy section, which provides updates on religious freedom developments worldwide.

We hope that this issue fosters meaningful dialogue and inspires further research and action in the pursuit of religious freedom for all.

To read and download the issue please visit our website: IJRF Volume 7, Issue 1.