International Institute for Religious Freedom

IIRF Reports 2015/1

2014 Human Rights Violations Report

The Association of Protestant Churches has published reports since 2007 in order to monitor the position of the Protestant community in Turkey. The Association of Protestant Churches gives importance to the freedom of religion and belief for all people everywhere, and makes an effort to ensure this becomes reality. In order to serve this purpose, the Association desires to prepare and distribute this monitoring report which describes the Protestant community’s situation.

The freedom of religion and belief as one of the basic rights found in national and international laws, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is secured under international human rights and constitutional authority in our country. However some basic problems of the Protestant community still continue in 2014. For the purpose of contributing to the development of freedom of belief in Turkey, this report presents some of the experiences and problems as well as positive developments that have been experienced in 2014 by the Protestant community in the area of religious freedom.