The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All
Thomas Schirrmacher. The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All. The WEA Global Issues Series. Vol. 5. 3rd Edition. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2018. 178 pp. ISBN: 978-3-86269-156-2.
Thomas Schirrmacher. The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All. The WEA Global Issues Series. Vol. 5. 3rd Edition. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2018. 178 pp. ISBN: 978-3-86269-156-2.
Kay Bascom. Overcomers: God’s deliverance through the Ethopian Revolution as witnessed primarily by the Kale Heywet Church community. Christians under Pressure: Studies in Discrimination and Persecution. Vol. 2. Bonn: Culture and Science Publ. (VKW), 2018. 384 pp. ISBN 978-3-86269-162-3.
Bernhard J. G. Reitsma (Ed.). Fruitful Minorities: The Witness and Service of Christian Communities in Predominantly Islamic Societies. Christians under Pressure: Studies in Discrimination and Persecution. Vol. 1. Bonn: Culture and Science Publ. (VKW), 2018. 120 pp. ISBN 978-3-86269-160-9.