International Institute for Religious Freedom

Theme Guide

Part 1

  • 0:00 Homepage overview
  • 1:45 Pages sitemap
  • 2:20 Difference between Edit and Edit with Elementor links
  • 3:30 Edit Homepage with Elementor
    • 3:40 Navigator button
    • 4:00 Main banner
    • 6:23 Latest News
    • 7:58 Tweets
    • 8:40 Banner 2 “About Religious Freedom Research”
    • 9:19 Publications
      • 9:56 Manual Selection
    • 10:45 History
    • 11:00 Exit to Dashboard -> WordPress editor
      • 12:23 Fix broken Elementor page
    • 13:00 Revision History
  • 13:40 Organisation Page

Part 2

  • 0:06 Header Block
    • 0:28 Responsive Mode
  • 1:17 Footer Block
  • 1:46 Edit Menus
  • 2:17 Archive Template, Single Post Template, Single Page Template
  • 2:51 Single Page Template Display Conditions
  • 3:16 Single Post Template Display Condition
  • 3:24 Archive Template Display Condition
  • 3:35 Style of Archive Template
  • 4:49 Style of Single Post Template
  • 5:23 Theme settings
    • 5:46 Font
    • 6:30 Elementor Header & Footer Builder
    • 7:04 Site Favicon
    • 7:07 Logo
    • 7:14 Colors
    • 7:25 Menus

Part 3 – Create News Post

Part 4 – Create Publication Post