International Institute for Religious Freedom

Latin American IR Textbook Includes Religious Freedom

International Negotiation in Latin America, a book edited by Dr. Dennis P. Petri, is a FLACSO Costa Rica (founded by UNESCO) publication.

International Negotiation in Latin America, a book edited by Dr. Dennis P. Petri, the International Director for the International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF), is a FLACSO Costa Rica (founded by UNESCO) publication. Dr. Petri is a visiting professor at FLACSO which is the leading social sciences university in the region. The book will be used as a text book for the International Negotiations course at the university.

The publication of this book is indeed a significant milestone as it is the first time ever that religious freedom has been discussed in an academic publication of this institution. In the Introduction, Dr. Petri discusses some important transformations in international relations and highlights religious actors as one of its new actors, religious freedom as one of its new themes and religious diplomacy as one of the new forms of diplomacy. The book also includes specialized articles on religious freedom in Mexico and the promotion of religious freedom in foreign policy.