International Institute for Religious Freedom

An Uneasy Relationship: Religion and Politics in Canada

Dr. Janet Epp Buckingham publishes a new article in the second volume of The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State.

The Palgrave Handbook of Religion and State has just published its second volume, a publication through which authors address questions of Religion and State from a multitude of disciplines. The volume begins with a philosophical discussion of perennial questions concerning the origin and nature of rights. One issue centers on the right to use one’s religious beliefs to enact laws. This discussion alone distinguishes this handbook from others of its kind.

In this new volume, Dr. Janet Epp Buckingham, Executive Editor of the International Journal for Religious Freedom, contributes to the discussion of the relationship between Religion and State, exploring in her article “An Uneasy Relationship: Religion and Politics in Canada”.

From the conflicts between French Catholics and English Protestants in the early years to the secularization wave of the 1960s, and the Charter of Rights in 1982, this publication offers a historical journey through the evolving relationship between religion and politics in Canada.

As religious diversity grows, Canada faces new challenges in accommodating various practices. However, Quebec’s recent laicity law, which restricts government employees from wearing religious symbols, adds a contentious twist to this narrative. Nevertheless, the author describes how Religious organizations continue to wield influence in Canadian politics and public policy.

Don’t miss the chance to read “An Uneasy Relationship: Religion and Politics in Canada.” This publication offers a concise, yet comprehensive, view of a crucial aspect of Canadian society, making it a must-read for scholars, researchers, and anyone interested in the dynamics of religion and politics in Canada.

The article can be found here.