International Institute for Religious Freedom

The Swedish Mission Council (SMC) has released a new online course, “Christian Theology and FoRB,” to help Christians understand why their faith commitment should call them to support freedom of religion or belief for all people.

The course takes about five hours to complete and covers four themes: (1) free will and the image of God, (2) FoRB and love for our neighbors, (3) God’s call to discipleship, and (4) mission and evangelism.

“Throughout its multifaceted history, Christianity has motivated people and faith communities to stand up for what we today recognize as the human right to FoRB. In the course, we explore this depth of inspiration from all church traditions,” said Kristina Patring. SMC advisor and developer of the course.

Participants also learn how to deal with theologically driven objections to the idea that FoRB should be a human right guaranteed to all people.

To register for this free course, go to the SMC web page and scroll to the bottom.