International Institute for Religious Freedom

Keeping the door open at the US State Department

Although the transition to a new administration has brought many changes in the US government, President Donald Trump and his State Department have reaffirmed their commitment to advocating for international religious freedom. IIRF Deputy Director Kyle Wisdom made two recent visits to the State Department to share details of the organization’s recent work.

On his October 2024 visit, Wisdom introduced the IIRF’s Violent Incidents Database. “I was able to meet with key religious freedom staff, and they expressed a strong desire to collaborate with us and to draw on our documentation in their engagement with nations that restrict religious expression,” Wisdom said.

In February 2025, Wisdom connected with several State Department personnel while attending the International Religious Freedom Summit. He expressed the IIRF’s willingness to support the Trump administration’s advocacy by providing reliable, focused data on religious freedom violations around the world.