International Institute for Religious Freedom

International Director: Dr. Dennis P. Petri

Dennis P. Petri

International Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom. Executive Director of the Foundation Platform for Social Transformation. Founder and scholar-at-large of the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America.

Professor of International Relations and Humanities at the Latin American University of Science and Technology (Costa Rica).

Previously, he worked for the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), the Interamerican Center for Social Security Studies, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Open Doors International, the European Office of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress in Costa Rica, the Economic and Social Council of the Netherlands, and the Strategic Research Program of Bolivia. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Bar-Ilan University (Israel) and Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford (UK).

PhD in Political Philosophy from VU University Amsterdam. Master in Political Science from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po) and Research Master in Comparative Politics specializing in Latin America from the same institution. Excellence Scholarship from the French Government (2005-2010).

As a Mexican-Dutch author, he has published on freedom of religion, religion and politics, social dialogue, parliamentary reform and democracy assistance.

He has testified in the parliaments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Mexico, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Council.