International Institute for Religious Freedom


“Let there be no Compulsion in Religion” (Sura 2:256)

Religious Freedom Series Vol 4: Christine Schirrmacher: “Let there be no Compulsion in Religion” (Sura 2:256): Apostasy from Islam as Judged by Contemporary Islamic Theologians. Discourses on Apostasy, Religious Freedom, and Human Rights. Wipf & Stock: Eugene/Oregon; VKW: Bonn, 2016. 620 pp. ISBN: 978-3-86269-114-2. 49,80 Euro.

The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All

Thomas Schirrmacher. The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All. The WEA Global Issues Series. Vol. 5. 3rd Edition. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2018. 178 pp. ISBN: 978-3-86269-156-2.