The R20 Princeton Conference on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was held in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UDHR by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948. On 13–14 December 2023, international religious authorities and scholars representing the world’s major faith traditions gathered in Princeton to discuss the future of the Universal Declaration. Princeton University’s James Madison Program for American Ideals and Institutions hosted the conference, which was co-sponsored by the world’s largest Muslim organization, Indonesia’s Nahdlatul Ulama, the Center for Shared Civilizational Values (CSCV), the R20, and the global Humanitarian Islam movement. Dr. Johnson was one of the representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance who participated in the event and signed the Princeton Declaration. During a plenary session of the Princeton event Johnson was awarded a knighthood in the Royal Order of Merit by the Sovereign and Imperial Royal House of Ghassan. This is a lightly revised version of the speech “Christianity and Humanitarian Islam: Together for Universal Norms and Rights?”, which he gave for the event.