International Institute for Religious Freedom

Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

For consideration of the 48th session of the UPR Working Group (January–February 2025)


  1. As a result of the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (hereinafter Bolivia or State or Bolivian State) in 2019, the country received 238 recommendations. Of the total recommendations, the State accepted 129, 77 are implemented or in the process of implementation, 1 was partially accepted and took note of 31. In the third cycle of the UPR, only Haiti specifically recommended ensu- ring that any amendment to the Penal Code does not include obstacles to the religious freedom of Christians (A/HRC/43/7/Add.1 – Para.4).
  2. Below, we will provide relevant information on the right to religious free- dom in the country and some situations that describe the challenges that still persist for its full enjoyment and exercise.