Latest News
Violence against Christians – A snapshot from India
As the VID raises its profile and its data gets presented in various attractive and accessible forms we hope this pathbreaking instrument will make a big difference in the world of supporting persecuted Christians.
Audit statement of the World Watch List 2025
The IIRF releases the audit statement of the World Watch List 2025 of Open Doors International
Discrimination against Christians in Europe: Insights from Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer
The IIRF invites you to read a recent Christianity Today article highlighting discrimination and hate crimes against Christians in Europe. The article features insights from Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer, our Senior Consultant, whose expertise provides valuable context
Religious Freedom in Latin America: Context, Threats and Challenges
The International Institute for Religious Freedom held a webinar on “Religious Freedom in Latin America: Context, Threats and Challenges”.
Church and State Relations in Zambia: An Evangelical Perspective
The IIRF is pleased to invite you to participate in a webinar on the book “Church and State Relations in Zambia: An Evangelical Perspective“ on Tuesday, July 23.
Ideology, theology and practicality
On May 28, the IIRF held its second webinar, this time launching the new issue of the IJRF Vol. 17 No. 1 (2014): Ideology, theology and practicality.