International Institute for Religious Freedom

Joint Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of El Salvador

For consideration at the 48th session of the UPR Working Group (January–February 2025)


  1. As a result of the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of El Salvador in 2019, the country received 207 recommendations. Of the total number of recommendations, the State accepted 152 and 55 were noted.
  2. In the third cycle of the UPR, no direct recommendations were made regarding the advancement or promotion of the right to religious freedom in the country.
  3. Several countries did provide recommendations related to the need for the government to adopt measures to prevent the recruitment of minors by gangs and to promote programs to improve social integration, streng- then families and provide education (Republic of Korea, 103.57; Holy See, 103.122; Ukraine, 103.194 – A/HRC/43/5/Add.1 – Para.4). In this regard, it is essential to consider the role of religious communities.
  4. Below, we will provide information on the right to religious freedom in El Salvador, and some situations that describe the challenges that still per- sist for its full enjoyment and exercise.