IIRF Updates
Discrimination against Christians in Europe: Insights from Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer
The IIRF invites you to read a recent Christianity Today article highlighting discrimination and hate crimes against Christians in Europe. The article features insights from Prof. Dr.
“There is practically no socially relevant topic that does not play a role in religious freedom”
Yearbooks ‘Religious Freedom 2024’ and ‘Persecution and Discrimination against Christians 2024’ presented in Berlin
We take stock: Religious freedom worldwide in 2024
We report, analyse and assess the situation of human rights and religious freedom in 2024.
Tribute to John Warwick Montgomery (1931–2024)
The International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) pays tribute to Dr. John Warwick Montgomery the founding Chair its Academic Board and later lifelong honorary Chair, the Academic Board also serving as the Editorial Board of the International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF).
Dr. Dennis P. Petri presents on Academia and Religious Freedom
Dr. Dennis P. Petri participated in the panel where he presented on how academia can contribute to the promotion and protection of religious freedom.
Webinar and Essay Series with Canopy Forum!
The IIRF with the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University and Canopy Forum hosted a virtual symposium on November 20th.
Audit statement of the World Watch List 2025
The IIRF releases the audit statement of the World Watch List 2025 of Open Doors International
IIRF joins organizations’ call to ensure respect for religious freedom in Nigeria
The International Institute for Religious Freedom call for the immediate release of Yahaya Sharif-Aminu.
Audit statement of the World Watch List 2023 published
The IIRF releases the audit statement of the World Watch List 2023 of Open Doors International
SIGN: Calling Cuba government to invite UN Special Rapporteur on FoRB for a country visit
We write to urge your Government to invite the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief to visit Cuba.
Protecting Life: Nobody should be killed for their choice or expression of religion or belief
UNGA resolution on Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
Protecting Life: Nobody should be killed for their choice of religion or belief
UNGA resolution Moratorium on the use of the death penalty
Religious Freedom News
Ten Years After Mosul: Reflecting on the Rise, Terror, and Legacy of the Islamic State
Interviews with Dr. Ronald Boyd-MacMillan, Director of Global Strategy and Research for Global Christian Relief. RBM is one of the world’s experts at reading the
The Sahel Conflict’s Impact on Religious Freedom and Political Economy
In the context of the collaboration between the IIRF and the School of International Relations of the ULACIT, students developed an analysis of the relationship between religious freedom and development.
The Impact of Religious Freedom on Social Stability
In the context of the collaboration between the IIRF and the School of International Relations of the ULACIT, students developed an analysis of the relationship between religious freedom and development.
Heads of USCIRF and IIRF in Discussion about Antisemitism
Bishop Thomas Paul Schirrmacher meets Rabbi Abraham Cooper in Berlin
Mortal enmity towards all Jews long before the founding of the state of Israel
Panel discussion in Brauweiler Abbey on anti-Semitism to mark the anniversary of the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945
Religious dialogue is essential
Schirrmacher speaks in the German Bundestag at the hearing on the situation of freedom of religion or belief