International Institute for Religious Freedom

Global Christian Relief announces joint research project with the IIRF

In a speech at the 2023 IRF summit, Ron Boyd-Macmillan announces a groundbreaking religious freedom research project with the IIRF.


Photo © Kyle Wisdom

The IRF Summit 2023 brought together a broad coalition that passionately supports religious freedom around the globe for a three-day-in-person event in Washington D.C., January 31st and February 1st.

In this context, during the panel “Documenting International Religious Freedom”, Ron Boyd-Macmillan, representative of our partner organization Global Christian Relief, announced a groundbreaking religious freedom research project with the IIRF.

“And so, at Global Christian Relief, we intend to facilitate an entirely new product in this field, combining these three ways to influence. We wish to publish a Global Religious Freedom Index for all faiths, in all countries, and uniquely, to an academic standard. There is no such instrument in existence today … We will analyze and publish the data in cooperation with the world’s first think tank on religious liberty – the International Institute for Religious Freedom. This data will not have to be taken on trust.”

The full text of the intervention can be read here.